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Home Über APEnet Workplan Workpackage 2

Workpackage 2

Definition of the physical model of the gateway

Workpackage leader: Archivos Estatales - Madrid - Spain


The physical model of the gateway provides the technical components that will be deployed across the system infrastructure. Work in this work package is closely related and very similar to the work done in Europeana, and one of the objectives is to verify that the model defined in Europeana is applicable to APEnet purposes also, based on the outcomes of WP1.

WP2 details software architecture, network capabilities, technical specifications, hardware requirements and other information related to deploying the proposed system. The physical model shows where and how system components will be deployed.

The first objective is to analyse the requirements from WP1 and compare those with the requirements for linking to Europeana and to define, categorise and describe technical and software infrastructure and those technical issues that must be considered for the gateway.

The second objective is to build a pilot and final versions of the gateway and required infrastructure.

The third objective is the maintenance of the gateway during the project and prepare its maintenance after it is completed.

This workpackage is expected to systematize knowledge and information about the gateways physical issues in order to start its construction.

The physical model establishes working infrastructure which supports service oriented architecture (SOA) development for the development of gateway services and data processing and their dissemination to the Europeana as well as user oriented services.

A main target is to make the gateway operational after the project with a minimum of resources needed.

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