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Home News Visit to the Estonian National Archives in Tartu

Visit to the Estonian National Archives in Tartu

Correo electrónico

APEnet visited the National Archives in Tartu on 6 October 2010.

The project APEnet gradually extends the circle of partners. Thus, the National Archives of Belgium and Ireland became partners in October 2009, and at the last assembly of the project in June this year, the National Archives of Bulgaria, Estonia and the Czech Republic have been confirmed as associated partners.

In this context a meeting took place in the Estonian National Archives in Tartu on 6th of October 2010, at which the Director of the National Archives, Priit Pirsko, the Director of the Historical Archives, Indrek Kuuben, and the Head of the Department of Digital Preservation, Lauri Leht, and on the part of project APEnet Peder Andrén (Riksarkivet, Sweden), Kerstin Arnold (Bundesarchiv, Germany) and Yoann Moranville (Service interministériel des archives de France) took part.

The APEnet project took the opportunity of this first meeting to report to the new partners about the current project status and to present the already developed software tools. These software tools shall enable participating institutions to prepare their data locally for the implementation in the future Archives Portal Europe. It will depend on the technical requirements and the decisions of the institutions themselves if the implementation to the central server of the portal will be via HTTP-Upload, via a FTP-Server or by using harvesting of OAI-PMH.

After the meeting, the APEnet project was given a tour through the Estonian National Archives and a presentation of the archive systems in use. They also got a preview of the planned internal developments.

This visit to Tartu served as a kick-off for the work of APEnets "Flying Teams" . The Flying Teams will in the coming months – in close consultation with relevant partners – carry out individual meetings to the institutions involved in the preparations for their participation to support the Archives Portal Europe.